...the Arrival of AKS#3!
Linda and I and to a certain extent the AKSes know that today is the big day for us as the fifth member of AKSARA will join the party whether he or she likes it or not. With Linda is already at the Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, mad redo1 spends the day doing a few chores while waiting for her to notify him of the time she will go to the Labour Room.
After a few kick about with Nina, Linda calls and I set off for the hospital with Mortimer, who still needs to be tweaked here and there after the incident with pakcik in kopiah.
The clock shows a quarter to four when I sat down at the hosptal cafeteria for a quick bite. With Linda is already in the Labour Room, mad redo1 settles down on the bench at the waiting area with his 'hospital look' on his face.
He realises that it is going to be a long wait before AKS#3 finally decides to show up. Thus with the latest copy of the Four-Four-Two magazine he passes away the time.
The number of visitors increases after the Asar prayer and I could not help but feeling a bit choked. How I wish parents would leave their children at home when coming to the hospital. Some manage to control these kids but there are those who just let them loose which will deprive patients of peace and quiet.
mad redo1 has low tolerance level for children despite being a father himself.
Maybe there is something about being at the hospital that people just open up to strangers that they have never met before and exchange stories like thay have known one another for years. Perhaps it is the need to share the grief or just a way to take their mind off matters at hand.
At around 5.35pm I decide to enquire about Linda's status. It turns out the nurse has called for me earlier but she neither use the P.A. system nor call out loudly to grab the attention of those who are at waiting area. Believe me, I never leave the area at all.
After donning the required blue robe mad redo1 is brought to the cubicle where Linda is already strapped with the 'thingy' that observes the heart rate of the baby. The volume has been turned down a bit so what he could hear is just faint heart beats of AKS#3.
Linda looks so pale and with the contractions coming in a more frequent manner she is writhing in pain.
Ten minutes before six the first cry from a baby is heard from another cubicle. Both mother and her baby are well and we pray that it will be the same case for us in the next few hours.
At quarter past six the midwife carries out another check on Linda and finds tha opening is still at 5cm which means we have to wait a bit longer.
Then ten minutes later another woman in another cubicle begins pushing. Unfortunately after nearly fifteen minutes the doctor after consulting the specialist, reaches a decision that a C-Section procedure is needed on the woman due to a number of reasons.
This certainly causes a bit of anxiety to mad redo1 and he prays even harder for the safety of Linda and AKS#3.
At a quarter past seven (around the same time Shin Chan is aired over NTV7) the opening has increased to 8cm which means there are only two more to go before the ideal opening is reached. Linda's grip on mad redo1's hand is certainly getting stronger which reflects the pain that she is going through her whole body.
As the 'bilal's call for Maghrib prayer is heard from the nearby Ladang Mosque, Linda is also calling for HIS name as the pain becoming more intense.
Moments after the call for prayer is finished, Linda feels she is ready to push. With His will the passage is smooth and not long after Linda begin pushing mad redo1 could see a head full of hair coming out from the opening.
AKS#3 is on its way out into the world!
At this moment the midwife asks Linda to stop pushing as the umbilical cords seem to be tangling around the baby's neck. After a while the midwife gets the cords out of the way and Linda begins her final push.
At 7.35pm AKS#3 announces its arrival to the world with loud cries that reverbrate through the labour room.
It is a she.
Many friends and family members have been saying that it is going to be a boy this time but for mad redo1 as long as the baby is healthy it is good enough for him. He feels grateful to HIM for the wonderful gift that has been placed under his responsibility.
It does not matter that this is my third time (fourth if you count a favour to someone) but the moment I recite the Azan and the Iqamah, I could not help myself from choking as I try holding back the tears of joy.
At the hospital's musolla mad redo1 performs the Maghrib prayer and does the 'Sujud Shukur' for the smooth delivery process and for being blessed with another gem in his life.
mad redo1's status is now 'a daddy to three daughters...'
Welcome to the world, AKS#3!
NOTE: To all doctors and staff at the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital, Kuala Terengganu, Kelinik Rohana Seripah and the dedicated nurses at the Klinik Desa and also Klinik Ibu Mengandung, mad redo1 says thank you for all the attention and care that have been given to us during the course of this pregnancy.